Internet Discoveries
Have you ever needed to print a webpage or article online but found that it has lots of ads and other things making it very long and not very easy to read? Well here is a solution to your problem. ht... View More
Internet Discoveries
Would you like to know if your email address or your phone number has been involved in a data breach? Here you go!
Internet Discoveries
Did you know you can use Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. all for free by visiting That's right, just sign in with a FREE microsoft account and you can use these tools for free onli... View More
Internet Discoveries
Have you ever needed to edit a photo or image? Well Photopea will allow you to do just that all FREE of charge.
Internet Discoveries
Friends never send passwords via email or text messages. If someone gets into your email or your phone they will be able to discover these passwords and hack into your accounts. Here is a website that... View More
Internet Discoveries
Have you ever been putting together a presentation or working on a website and needed a specific icon or image to match what your talking about? Well head on over to Noun Project and enjoy. https://t... View More
Internet Discoveries
Here is another FREE PDF editor that will allow you to upload a PDF file and allow you to edit it and then save it as a new PDF file.
Internet Discoveries
Have you ever taken a photo and wish you could remove the background? Well head on over to and get to work.
Internet Discoveries
Need to edit or modify a PDF file? Well head on over to and let it help you for FREE.
Internet Discoveries
Before you hit that send or print button head on over to quillbot and let it make you look smarter.
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